Dear Mr McQuaide,
Following the local elections on 4th May 2023, I have been instructed to write to you following a resolution at a Full Council meeting of Thetford Town Council.
Many of our Councillors stood with a clear public commitment against Flagship’s Abbey regeneration plans in their current form, giving us a clear mandate to formally object to these proposals and withdraw Thetford Town Council’s support.
Having now met as a Full Council, members have requested that to write to you at this early point to state the Council’s position.
Residents have been clear the addition of hundreds of new homes is not appropriate, particularly when they would be taking up so much of the much-valued green spaces.
The people we spoke to also felt that the compulsory purchase of so many properties would shatter the strong community spirit that exists, forcing people out of their homes against their wishes.
Residents did not feel that their voices had been listened to during the consultation and do not believe they have been adequately allowed to shape the proposals for their community.
Thetford Town Council acknowledges these objections and as such, we cannot support your proposals.
The Abbey Estate deserves much-needed investment, but these proposals are wrong and are not supported by local residents, or their elected representatives.
We call on Flagship Housing to pause your proposals and establish a new regeneration steering committee consisting of Flagship Housing, elected representatives and local people.
Yours sincerely,
Councillor Stuart Wright
Mayor of Thetford
On behalf of Thetford Town Council